Planning and Control Summit II
Planning and Control Summit II
Event Date : 11.05.2023
Event Time : 09:00 – 17:00
Participant Profile : Architects, Consultans, Software Developers, Goverment Institutions, Cost Executives, Project Managers, Technology Entrepreneurs, Engineering Departments, Academicians and Students.
Event Language : Hybrid (Türkçe & English)
Event Location: Yildiz Technical University Auditorium / Besiktas Campus
Event Fee : Free
Register: Necessarily
Program Details:
Along with the advancing technology, the building industry has begun to use advanced software and solutions that can address a variety of needs and can cooperate with each other. New generation planning tools have advanced to the point where various simulations are generated and integrated with three-dimensional models and artificial intelligence in the digitalized construction sector.
We will relay the information how planning and cost management are handled in projects using examples from around the globe and Turkey in our annual event where we bring together industry specialists in the field of planning and control. We will look at how the four-dimensional planning (4D) is prepared with the new generation software and question what is required for the fifth-dimensional (5D) cost estimation. Among the BIM dimensions, we will overhaul the planning and project control in the light of digitalization processes and technology transfer. We will go into detail about how processes, project progress and control are integrated into project management and how cloud technology is managed.
At our event, where you will have the opportunity to learn about many of new approaches, technologies, and applications in addition to the customary planning and cost software used in the construction industry, we would be delighted to have you among us. The industry giants of the world are both pioneering and constantly developing these technologies. We host this event to share knowledge and the integration of digital twin applications in industrial facilities where industry-leading companies, academics, industry professionals, and students meet.
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